Sunday, July 27, 2014

One Pound, Heat, Scones and Other Excuses

Previous Weight: 301.8  Current Weight:  300.8

One pound lost is okay! I'll surely take it, but can you say, "Excuses?" I can! and I have lots of them. It's hot! Yep, thats my excuse for not exercising. Thanks for allowing me my moment of useless excuse making. I need to exercise and I really believe my losses would be greater if I got moving (not to mention that I'd feel better, too). Listen carefully, you may never read this again: I love exercise! Why is it so hard to fit it into my day? If I wait to the end of my day, I'm pooped and it's too hot to go outside, which is where I'd prefer to be (not that I have to be there). I'm too busy mid-day with work and I'm a wimp in the morning. I think I'm going to have to reorganize my day and do the exercise in the morning before work or anything else I might be thinking of doing. Then it will be done! Just like with anything else, do the hard part first and the rest of the day will be a breeze. I don't relish this idea, as I rather prefer waking up slowly, but I've got to exercise. So, the target for the upcoming week is: treadmill. Every morning before I shower, 15 minutes of treadmill work with 15 minutes of weight bearing exercise (i.e. squats, push ups off the counter, light dumbbells and etc.) I'm convinced that if I can just get the exercise in religiously, I'll be on the right track.

Last week I was not feeling too well. I think I ate something that did not agree with me and my stomach was a mess almost the whole week. I'm better now, but no more eating out for a while. I only ate out one meal, but the results were not good. On top of that, I had cravings by the end of the week that resulted in me making a batch of scones. Have I said how much I love bread of any kind? Yes, bread is my nemesis! Hard to think of bread as a goddess of retribution, but it is my downfall. I simply can't resist bread. So, I have to make it possible to have it, but bread is going into that food category known as "Sometime Foods." You know them, baked goods, rich foods, fried anything and etc. They ALL are together in that group. I can have them, but really only once in a while. The last time I made scones must have been over a year ago, so not bad! Just don't eat too many!

Besides getting the exercise in, I want to eat a next week a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The summer fruit is so delicious. I have some Berries that will likely find their way into some smoothies and I've got some lovely Nectarines that will just be added to a few breakfasts. I picked up some Baby Aubergines and Grape Tomatoes and will be making something out of that, too. Oh, and fish!! I've got some lovely Tilapia in the freezer for Tuesday. Tuesday at my house used to be salad night, but we're turning it into fish night instead.  I believe we'll have a lovely Cucumber Salad with the baked Tilapia. So the supper menu at my house this week will be the following:

Sunday (Big Show Night) - Mini Meatloaves w/Mashed Potatoes and Broccolini
Monday (Sandwich Night) - Classic Club Sandwiches and Tomato Soup
Tuesday (Fish Night) - Baked Tilapia w/Cucumber Salad
Wednesday (Pizza Night) - Pepperoni Pizza (Mine is a Pizza Omelet w/lots of veggies, a dab of sauce, pre crisped pepperoni, a pinch of italian seasonings and just a sprinkle of grated cheese)
Thursday (Old Classic Night) - Turkey Divan
Friday (Burger Night) - Cheeseburgers and French Fries (my burger is less the bun and I substitute a steamed vegetable for the fries)
Saturday (Chef's Choice Night) - It's a Mystery until Saturday arrives and the chef figures out what she wants!

By planning the meals out ahead of time, I'm more likely to stay on track and have foods that I really like. Also, it is keeping my grocery shopping budget a bit more in line with where it should be. Groceries are so expensive and I don't want to waste food if it can be avoided. By planning out the meals like this, I keep myself organized, the family knows what to expect and since I know we need something to cover things like "Pizza Night" each week, I can think creatively and try to use items I have on hand instead of just buying new ingredients each week.  For instance, Pizza doesn't have to be a round piece of dough, topped and baked in the oven. It can be Pizza Burgers or like above a Pizza Omelet! Eggs are a great vehicle for many dish makeovers!!

That's it for this week. I hope you have a great week ahead and I'm looking forward to seeing how my morning exercise plan works. Please join me next week to see the results of this plan. Until then, just remember that any cupcakes who show up trying to make you believe they are the "LAST" cupcake on earth; they LIE!! Just say, NO! and Please step away from the cupcake!!

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