Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Game is On

Previous Weight: 305.2   Current Weight: 299.8

Over the years I've learned much about myself (you know, as you do) and nothing is more true about me than the fact that I love a good game. In fact, many a challenge has been successfully won by just turning the work to overcome it into a game. Last week was that for me. The challenge:  Eat Healthy on $27 US$ for one week. It became a game for me and I proved that is indeed possible to eat very healthfully on a very small grocery budget. The challenge of the week took lots of planning to achieve, but was proved to be completely achievable. To read about the details of the challenge, be sure to check out the update on my HumbleVoyager blog.

Pictures to update how I look seem unnecessary at the moment. With a 6 lb. loss, which is great and I'm thankful for it, I don't believe I look strikingly different. I'll provide an updated photo when I've lost at least 20 lbs. That means a new picture will be provided when I weigh 285.2 or less.

The week taught me so much. I am strong, but I have my weaknesses. First, I am a person who loves food. I will always be challenged by it, but there are ways for me to come out on top if I just remember a few things:

  • I'm in charge of food and not the other way round.
  • I can eat whatever I want, as long as I remember that food is fuel. (i.e. extra fuel=extra work!)
  • I can achieve my goals without counting calories!
The most interesting thing about the week was the challenge. For me, it got very hard on Friday evening (day 6 of the 7 day challenge). I became very tired of eating the same foods and no meat. My energy and spirits were low, but a kind friend invited me to dinner that night which really lifted me up, besides providing me with a little meat. The dinner was substantial and I was able to come home with leftovers that fed me for supper Saturday night, as well. So, ending the challenge successfully.

In the upcoming week, I'm planning to eat meals that are based on foods I really enjoy. The point to this week is to eat what I really desire, but in portions that are supported by my level of activity. I'm depending on my strong desire to achieve success of losing this weight to keep me honest and the fact that I will document what I'm doing here. Yes, you're helping me keep to the right path.

So, until next Sunday when I'll share about my level of success, have a great week!

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