Sunday, July 20, 2014

What "Not Trying" Gets You

Previous weight: 299.8     Current weight:  301.8

If I ever write a book, I'm sure there will be a chapter in it titled, "Don't Let This Happen To You!" If I could play a tune here to illustrate how I felt when I looked down at the scale this morning, it would sound like this (Thanks to a5e26 on YouTube for the perfect sound effect!):
Back in 2008, I would have been mortified by the numbers you see above, but this time around, I'm not. This is a temporary set back. I didn't even try hard last week and the results are proof of that, but let's examine this more closely.

Two weeks ago, I weighed 305.8. I'm still down 4 lbs. from two weeks ago and I'm not dead! That means I get another chance to get this all going in the right direction. Faced with what I have here, this week will be a bit different. I'm more interested in getting the exercise right, because I know that the physical fitness aspect is what will improve my stamina, lift my spirits and make it possible for me to do more physically. With more physical activity in general, I'll build more muscle and in turn, burn more fat. I would like to make certain I am getting in just 15 minutes each day this week and extra if I am up to getting it in there. Each week I'll add more. When I began this process all those years ago in 2008, I started in February with just calorie restriction. It took me until late in April, to even begin exercising! I believe that was really backwards of me. I need to get the exercise going and reduce portions, but not eliminate foods like I did before. I may not eliminate foods as I did before, but there are some that will need to have their freedoms severely curtailed!

It's pretty clear that food distracts me from exercise and I want it to be the other way round. I have planned food for this week that can be supported by the good old crock pot (maybe this will keep me somewhat out of the kitchen). At the moment I have a fresh ham (Pork Sirloin Roast) in one crock with a dry rub that will eventually be Pulled Pork and the second crock will be started at mid-day with Double Garlic, Ginger Lime Chicken. I'll be able to have this meat with vegetables, while the boys will probably mainly eat it with bread and such. I can have it on top of salads or with hot vegetables on the side. I also purchased some frozen single servings of Tilapia Fish that I can pull out in a pinch to lighten my meal.

Breakfast is a challenge. I love bread, but I know this is one of those things that I need to reduce to a very small portion. Bread has been a go-to item for breakfast for me, but doesn't fill me up. I need something that will serve me well for breakfast and stop me from being so hungry. It may end up being a small portion of the meat and vegetables, but I'll get some oatmeal in there on a couple of days, too.

Lunch is easy Wednesday through Friday, as I work from home. For Monday and Tuesday this week, I'll prep the meals today (Sunday) and get that out of the way. This way I won't have to think about it. For snack this week I'm eating yogurt and fruit or a cheese stick and grape tomatoes. Beverage is still mainly water, but I have found water enhancers and I'm enjoying squirting a bit of them every now and then, just for flavor fun!

That's it for this week. A bit of disappointment, but not a disaster. I would love to be able to say I've not gained weight, but the reality is that I have and probably will again. I am what God made! I don't have the genes of a small, thin Japanese woman. I have the genes of my strong, healthy German/Irish forefathers! I will NEVER be thin. In fact, I don't even want to be 'thin'! What I want is to be normal; normal for Nancy. What I do to make that happen is what's important. So, until next week when I hope to show things traveling in the right direction, I cupcakes!!

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