Sunday, August 3, 2014

I'm a Yoyo

Previous Weight:  300.8        Current Weight:  302.2

Did you ever play with a yoyo when you were a kid? Had I known they would represent me one day, I'd have worked harder to develop better skill! There comes a time when all the crazy ideas one has have to be set aside in favor of more proven methods. This is fast becoming one of those times. First of all, I'm so sick of seeing .8 and .2 on my scale; I could just scream! I work better in whole numbers, but in this new world of total 'accuracy' I guess I have to be happy with fractions. I don't want to be weight obsessed, but at the same time, this is slowly killing me. So, it's time to move on to proven strategies.

This week, here is what will happen:
  1. When I make my dinner plate each evening this week, I'll immediately take half of it and place it into a container for lunch the next day.
  2. Lunch will be the half of dinner from the night before, plus some fruit.
  3. Breakfast will be Spoon Sized Shredded Wheat with milk and blueberries, each day.
  4. Snacks will be a glass of buttermilk and popcorn, if needed.
I eat too much volume of food. Besides that, I don't seem to be able to keep myself from eating bread. It's so delicious! When I'm at the store buying food for the week, I don't seem to be able to stop myself from picking up tons of bread. This week, I purchased: 2 loaves of bakery french bread, 1 bakery sourdough loaf, 1 bakery rustic french loaf and 1 packaged sourdough sandwich loaf. That's 5 loaves of bread for 3 people! That's not counting what I already had in the refrigerator (some hotdog buns and a bit of leftover french bread). I think I make the mental excuse that my family needs bread, when It's really ME who wants the bread and ME who is buying the bread and Ahem...ME who is eating the bread. The scales prove it. Okay, so since I can't seem to stop myself so, what do I do? It does have to be here for my family, but since dinner is also lunch the next day, I need to plan dinners that do not contain much bread and leave the bread to the family for breakfast and lunch. The shredded wheat I have for breakfast sort of satisfies my 'bread' need, a bit. I guess I love carbohydrates! The funny thing is, I can't ever go onto a low carbohydrate diet or try to avoid them. That was the first thing my doctor warned me away from after I lost my left kidney to cancer. Apparently, the high-protein nature of diets like Adkins, is bad for people like me. Protein is hard on the kidneys and with only one left, we have to take good care of her!

Everyone has issues they need to resolve. I have a weight problem along with other physical issues. Yes, I'm a cancer survivor. You'd be surprised at the number of us there are out here! When people hear 'cancer', they look at me as if they are thinking, "So, when are you dying?" Believe me, I wish I knew! Maybe the knowledge would put all of the issues I face into perspective, but then again, it might just petrify me enough to make me totally ineffective as a human being. No, I don't want to know. God's got my back, no matter how bad I am at carrying out his wishes. He knows I'm only human, but He made an amazing thing when he made me the unique person that I am. Oh, and by the way, He made you the same amazing person, only different. I guess I mean that God made each person amazingly unique and the infinite variety is what makes life grand.

So, this week is a bit more simple:
Eat Less -- Limit Bread -- Continue Moving
I'm always better when I have a plan. In fact the more I'm able to put a plan into pictures the better the results are in the end. I can visualize things more easily with pictures. Here is what a successful day might look like next week:
Nice breakfast with one meal splitting between lunch and dinner.
I have to shrink my stomach so that it will stop talking to me so much about being hungry. I am drinking lots more water these days, but I'm still always hungry. I will keep the snacks to a minimum and have some extra fruit to add to the half-meal at breakfast and even dinner if I need it. Maybe this will work for me. We know that eating less and moving more is the key, but I'm still hungry, at least I think I am. Maybe it's my mind that needs dealing with. Hmmm...maybe....Anyway, that is what we'll be doing in the coming week.

Thanks for stopping by and checking in on what I'm up to over here. If you are working on something in your life that you want to change let me know in the comments below. You never know when someone out there in the world may have just the answer you need! In fact, you might have the suggestion I need to turn my experience around. Regardless of what you think, comment below and let the world know your ideas. Until next time when I'll share the results of this little plan, watch out for incoming cupcakes and just say, NO!

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