Sunday, August 17, 2014

It's Never All Bad

Previous Weight = 302.8     Current Weight = 302.8

I know what you're thinking, or at least I think I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Get off the stick lady, we want some action here!" Either that, or you're thinking that I'm incapable of losing this weight. Okay, I can see that and understand your frustration with me. I'm not showing any progress at all, yet I am.

The two other times that I lost weight (more than 100 lbs. each time) I did so for other people and in drastic ways. The first time, I was on Optifast, which was a 26 week program where I drank their drink supplement (YUCK! It was terrible!) 5 times a day for 13 week with no other food and then slowly began adding food and reducing the supplement drinks over the final 13 weeks.  I lost 125 lbs. in 26 weeks!  Great!! Except, the first disaster that came I went right back to my old, comforting habits.  When I gained it back, I gained an extra 50 lbs.  The second time, I lost 108 lbs. over 1 year, counting every calorie and working out more than 365 days in a row. At the next disaster, you guessed it, right back to the old, comforting ways. Well, 3 is the charm and I'm not doing any of that this time around.  Believe me, there were lasting negative effects of losing more than a person off my body in 26 weeks.  I was better the second time around, but this time has to be for good. There are 3 things that are very important to the process:

Meal Portions - Physical Activity - Water

I have to make my food intake adequate for good nutrition without over feeding myself; get physical activity into my day, every day; drink lots of water!

The food needs to power me so that I have the energy to get walking and the water is needed to carry all the nastiness out of me. On top of this, I want to eat a better quality diet. I still have this need to chew, but I think my best bet for making that work for me is making sure I have fresh fruit and vegetables around that I can grab and chew by just the handful. Also, I have planned this week to eat 3 meals and 3 snacks.  This will help keep my blood sugar level more consistent and hopefully I will be less hungry all of the time. It will be a struggle to keep my hands off my families cookies and snacks, but I know I can do it. I'm so tired of being fat!

It's a new week! I'm still here, so I'll keep working. Next week, I'll let you know how it worked eating 3 meals and 3 snacks, being physical everyday and drinking water. I wish you the best with whatever challenge you are facing in your life. I hope you wish for me the same. Until next week, just remember, cupcakes and not your friend!

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