Sunday, August 10, 2014

Could Chewing Be The Problem?

Previous Weight = 302.2     Current Weight = 302.2

This week at least, was a wash. I didn't gain, but I didn't lose anything either. As it was a stressful time at work, I am thankful for this result. Most of the time I'm a thankful person. The more of life I experience, the more calm and relieved I am about it and the future. I know that I will lose this weight, someday.

There are a few factors that are ever present in this process that are causing me some issues. First, I'm hungry all of the time. Lately, when I have that desire to eat I've been asking myself (silently, mind you), "Is my stomach growling or is it that I need to chew?" There is a huge difference between stomach and head hunger. I want to make sure I'm really stomach hungry before I eat. The reason being, I think I have a 'need to chew' issue going on. It seems like when I'm bored, stressed out or unhappy, I want to chew something. It is probably related to the issue I have when I sleep; one of 'clenching' my teeth. I clench my teeth so severely that I've cracked all of the enamel on my teeth. I now wear a dental prosthesis at night to prevent further damage. I have been known to clench my teeth so hard that on nights where I didn't have the guard, I awoke with a HUGE headache that encompassed my entire head and face! To me, clenching is like chewing only you never let go and I seem to be compelled to do it, even in my sleep.

My stomach has to shrink so that I'm satisfied with less food, but I also have to combat the need to chew. I've read about chewing gum to help, but this presents issues, as well. Because of the clenching, I've cause some damage to my jaw. Chewing gum just aggravates the damage and causes my jaw to click. The clicking causes pain and well, it isn't good. So, I can't satisfy the desire to chew with chewing, even just gum. I need a different strategy.

In the coming week, I'll be working on a plan of action for reducing the size of my portions, while satisfying the desire to chew. I've thought of wearing my dental prosthesis so that I cannot eat, but I'm not sure how I feel about that. It does impair my speech, so I couldn't really use it at work. I'll give an update next week of what I tried, what worked and what didn't. I'm still positive I will get to my destination. The journey just may take a bit longer than I had hoped. No problem! As long as I'm working to make progress I'm still alive. Thanks for dropping in to visit. Until next week, wave "Hello" to the cupcakes and then please, step away!

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